Burning HD video to Blu-ray with Toast 10
Posted by Dan Israel on Jan 16, 2012 in Video
Below are the details of burning HD video content from Final Cut Pro to a standard DVD, using the Blu-ray format using Toast and the Toast Blu-ray plugin. It is not necessary to have a Blu-ray burner for this procedure – a standard DVD and DVD burner are fine. However, playback can only occur from a Blu-ray player, because the format of the disc is Blu-ray.Basically:
- Output sequence from FCP via EXPORT with Current Settings and DVD Studio Pro Markers to .MOV
- Using COMPRESSOR with Blu-ray settings make .264 and .ac3
- Using TOAST on the Video>Blu-Ray setting
PREPPING IN FCPI used to do some of the final assembly in DVD Studio Pro. But since it really only (directly) allows the building of standard DVDs, I’ve changed some of my procedures. I realize that DVD Studio Pro allows for HD-DVD output, but I’ve never figured out a way to use the defunct format to make Blu-rays. And honestly, this is an easier way to do it anyway.

Once I’ve completed my editing, a make a new sequence using the same settings as my editing format (i.e. Apple Pro-Res, etc.). I use this sequence to build each track (not chapters) that is used on the disc. In most cases, I’m building the entire disc complete with the exact timing I want. I then place any compression markers I think are needed. And I put in chapter markers with Titles, as these will flow through the entire process.When everything is set, I use the FILE>EXPORT>QUICKTIME MOVIE command in final cut to output a “self-contained” .MOV at the “Current Settings.” It is important that “Include DVD Studio Pro Markers” is selected. Otherwise, Compressor will not read the chapter markers (even though you may have selected ALL MARKERS).I know it possible to output straight from Final Cut here to a Blu-ray format. But because I may have multiple outputs (DVD, Blu-Ray, YouTube, iPhone, etc.), I prefer to have a self-contained file of the rendered sequence at the resolution of the sequence settings. So, I Export from FCP to a file and then use COMPRESSOR to encode.
Once I have the final cut .MOV, I use Apple’s Compressor to make the various formats. The defaults work pretty good. If you want to do new HD on YouTube, you’ll have to tweak that preset…but otherwise, the defaults work well.
After Compressor finishes, open Toast to VIDEO>BLU-RAY VIDEO. If you leave the default file-names from compressor, you’ll need to manually match audio ac3 file to the .264 video file. Otherwise, name the files the same, leaving their extension. Is long as the files are in the same directory, you’ll only need to drag the video file into Toast – Toast will do the rest.Next, name the disc (or leave defaulted to MY VIDEO). Then select burn. NOTE: It is not necessary to select DVD for media when burning Blu-ray to standard DVD. That’s it. Got to love HD!